CAVA supports the industry standard rates for voice over and references the following guidelines:
Please reference ACTRA rates for all union voice over work and the GVAA rate guide for all non-union voice over work.
ACTRA is the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists and negotiates for better pay and working conditions on behalf of actors in Canada. ACTRA is one of the largest organizing bodies working on behalf of artists in Canada. Covering voice over work performed in English in Canada, ACTRA membership can enhance a voice actor’s career.
ACTRA National Headquarters are located at
625 Church Street, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario
M4Y 2G1
Union des artistes is a labour union representing French language performers in Canada.
UDA is located at
5445 Av. de Gaspé, #1001,
Montréal, Québec
H2B 3T2